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Lean management

Lean production meeting briefing February

Release time:2019-02-27 15:03:04      hit count:3113

On the evening of February 20, 2019, a regular lean production meeting was held in the meeting room on the fifth floor of the group administration building at 18:30. Lawyer sun, the production department, product development management department, the person in charge of the warehouse, the assistant or above management personnel and members of the project team attended the meeting. First of all, the team reported early February lean production each work condition, secondly, each workshop managers report to the regional lean production work, in the end, each department head for the project team, workshop management report mentioned in the problem solution is given, and report early February each work and the work plan in late February, Li Yunbin enterprise manager in the lean meeting discipline and everybody underlined several points at the end of the meeting: 1, the meeting off or the mobile phone to vibration mode; 2. It is not allowed to whisper during the meeting; 3. No sleeping during the meeting; 4. Do not play mobile phones all the time during the meeting; And stressed that all departments must carefully review when making PPT, do not allow repeated content and wrong words. Then manager li and everyone again to learn the chairman in the management staff WeChat group to share an article "what you are based in the unit".

Remarks by lawyer sun:

1. For participants, except those who are on duty or cannot attend due to illness, all other participants who should attend the meeting should attend. No excuse for absence is allowed. In view of the venue discipline problem, hope everyone earnestly abide by the company conference implementation management regulations, the enterprise should be strictly caught, if there is a violation, the punishment to be punished. Emphasize the PPT preparation, data must be used to talk, to have before and after contrast, combined with the theme and the relevant lean production management practical work, enterprise department of submitted PPT to strict audit, report by heart, when you need to experience and insights, to other colleagues have relevant aspects of reference and reference value, after the meeting, hope every manager should control their job and the actual work of serious write a meeting summary, are not allowed to deal with.

2. For the newly hired managers, the department heads should pay more attention to and help them to integrate into the new working environment more quickly. The newly hired managers should also be familiar with the work content, system, standards and requirements related to the company's lean production management as soon as possible. From tomorrow on, every new management must report.

3. The skills competition, class meeting evaluation and sample area evaluation involved in the first quarter of 2019 are expected to be organized and implemented by all departments as soon as possible. Human resources and enterprises should organize, require and participate in relevant guidance and inspection as soon as possible. In addition, the quality of the relevant skills competition must not be reduced, and must be carried out in accordance with the new standards and requirements of 19 years. Since the Spring Festival, the human enterprise has been busy with recruitment. From now on, the daily spot check and lean check should be carried out and carried out strictly in accordance with the company's regulations. For the problems detected, the relevant departments should be strictly required to rectify.

Submitted by the department of 4, for the innovation points, not to calculate, the effect of final implementation is what appearance, for the people are carefully in accordance with the relevant standards, to strict audit and division level, the company vigorously derivation of the different types of innovation measures, company for these excellent innovation measures the notifier will have different departments and rewards, very good can abnormality promoted use. In addition, I would like to emphasize the internal marketization, which is more in-depth in 19 years than 18 years. The new managers should have a clear understanding of this, and finally, through the internal self-determination mechanism, and the emphasis on the production efficiency and production cost, and the emphasis on the innovation work, everyone can get a greater return in the end. I hope everyone work every day to work as a boss and thinking, let 19 years have a qualitative change. The fifteenth day of the first month has just passed, the New Year new atmosphere, I hope you really into the state of work, we do our duty, do our best to do our work every day. thank you

The report and evaluation results of lean production regular meeting reward and punishment are as follows:

(1) ye jing, manager of product development management department, won the first prize in on-site report score, and was awarded 200 yuan;

(2) wang gaoyan, deputy director of the warehouse of the textile factory, ranked the last in the on-site report and was fined 100 yuan.

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